Monday, February 10, 2014

I am torn in making this blog. Is it a good idea in general? I don't want to appear foolish. I also don't know if this blog is going to be mostly about my own personal musings, or more about Torah ideas and topics. I think that me personal musings are less interesting that the Torah ideas, however personalized they may be, so I think that is what we will be talking about.

So which is it? Am I writing this for me or for you? Somebody please comment, lets have a debate, about the purpose of the blog Maybe if you know me, do you want to hear about Torah, or what is going on inside my head, or maybe you think I should put the computer down. Or perhaps you do  have questions, and I have bits and sparks of wisdom (ha), that you would like to hear? Or perhaps some medley of both.  I will publish this now and see if it has a comment section. If it does I will advertise it on my facebook page. lets see what happens, and we will begin the adventure.

However one Jewish proverb does seem to be crossing my mind, as well as others. Better to keep you mouth closed and be thought a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt. Let us see to the truth of that statement, because there is another one. "All beginning are difficult". No doubt there is someone wiser than I who can tell when to apply each bit of wisdom in it's correct time. I am not that person.

I tend to overshare. Becoming embarrassed as something stupid flies out of my mouth for everyone to hear is one thing. It is embarrassing, and it makes me want a hole to open up and swallow me whole, but the feelings pass, most people are not paying attention, and the ones who do, usually have enough going on in their brain that the thought of how stupid Avrahom Rothenberg doesn't stay up on the top ten things to do for very long But a blog, oh a blog is different,  it takes that   over sharing to a much higher level. It is in print forever, and it stays forever. Stupid positions, stupid arguments, and general silliness can be pulled up and presented to you on your 75th birthday. "hey remember that time you predicted capitol punishment for heavy metal bands?" Or losing your house because you littered. and all you can do is go "yeah thanks" cuz this here blog is a record.

Despite the fact that it may a record, I will be writing down my thoughts on current events, my emotional reaction to different things in my life, and the occasional bit of Torah, that I have either heard from my Rebbe, or things that I have come up with myself, but I have been told that it was correct. I would like to present myself as the caped defender of Judaism, God and his Torah, but I am woefully inadequate for the job, and that kind of pressure would paralyze me for far longer than it already has. I am simply a guy who has worked on a few questions for a while now, and I have something to say. Perhaps I shouldn't say it, either because it is wrong, or just plain confusing, but here I am saying it nonetheless. I hope God grants me the (write) things to put in the keyboard.


  1. Holy Rabbi, halevai that you should overshare and all those other rabbis would undershare. It helps folks like me to know there are rabbis who think like you do in the world. Please. Write. Stream of consciousness is always good. Organized thought is occasionally better. Combining the two into something great is one of your gifts.

  2. If I ever doubted we are related, I don't now. I'm excited to continue reading this (as long as you continue posting, which, if we are related, will possibly stop in about 2 months) Also I think blogging is a little selfish and narcissistic, but isn't everything we put out into the world? Isn't this the same as posting a picture on facebook of your dinner? It's assuming that other people actually care about your life and your thoughts. But as someone who DOES care about your life and your thoughts and enjoys laughing and being enlightened by them, I feel as though you're writing this blog for me (which is also narcissistic of me, but that's a whole other can of worms).

  3. Glad to see you found something productive to do in the time that I failed to call you today. It's Lincoln's Birthday tomorrow though, so for some reason most of my responsibilities don't count tomorrow.
    Here's a thinking prompt, give us a thought combining Honest Abe and mussar? I know, I know, hamavdil ben kodesh lchol, but if you're going to use your blog the way you're describing, aren't you already sort of blurring the line?
