Sunday, June 29, 2014

I have to say, divorce is tough, moving on is tough. There are so many things that carry on, after the relationship is over. One thing is my password to all the websites that I go to. e-mail, bank accounts, facebook, and all the various web sites that I am subscribed to. I am subscribed to a dozen websites, maybe two dozen, and all my passwords are some variation of my ex-wife's name. I don' know what other people do, maybe they keep lists of completely unique passwords, I know that is what you are supposed to do, but I just use one password, and there are two or three variations, and if one doesn't work, I just try the other variation. When I first started I had someone who worked for me set up a bigfoot e-mail account, does anyone else remember Well he basically gave me a password that was my wife's name, albeit horribly misspelled, and it stuck, and since then that has been my password. Now, that is what I use for all my accounts. I just feel like I should change my password, but I can't figure out what to replace it with. I guess it is a metaphor, I can't seem to replace my ex-wife's influence in my life. While in reality I guess I don't have to, and that time will probably take care of that to one degree or another, I should find some other password. I guess it is a  good thing I never got a tattoo. Passwords are easier to change.